Choosing Family Over Hustle: A Counterintuitive Approach to Leadership Success

by Kim Fitkin - 7/6/2023

Choosing Family Over Hustle: A Counterintuitive Approach to Leadership Success

Yesterday, I did the opposite of what a CEO on LinkedIn said to do.

I woke up planning to post on LinkedIn yesterday.

Then intentionally didn’t.

Yesterday, I read a post written by a CEO advising his followers to make sacrifices for their businesses.

Specifically, he said,

“It’s okay to miss your kids’ birthdays or skip family dinners.”

His reasoning?

His kids will appreciate his “hustling” to secure their future.

That one day his children will thank him for making these choices.


Yesterday we had plans to take the family to a waterpark with a couple of other families.

I thought about the LinkedIn post I had scheduled to send.

Then I unscheduled the post on a Monday. A high-engagement day. Because I didn’t want my phone to ping with notifications.

I wanted to enjoy the time with my kids and our friends.

So instead of checking my phone yesterday, I got in the lazy river with my 4-month-old.

I watched my 5yo go down the biggest waterslide he’s ever been on.

And I watched my 8yo have so much fun with his friends that he hasn’t even woke up yet today 😂

Everything I do is for my family.

I want to give them everything that I can offer.

By being present with them.

I hope that’s what they remember.

#leadership #priorities

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