Unveiling the Truth: How Self-Development, Not Quick Fixes, Paves Your Path to Leadership in 2024

by Kim Fitkin - 1/6/2024

Unveiling the Truth: How Self-Development, Not Quick Fixes, Paves Your Path to Leadership in 2024

It’s 2024 and you’re ready to step up your leadership game.

But there’s a lot of quick fix solutions for sale out there.

You’re told that you can…

– Transition from a manager to leader in 8 weeks – Secure your promotion into the next leadership role – Gain the confidence to lead high-performing teams (that’s mine 😉)

The leadership coaches selling these promises aren’t lying.

They most likely have done this for dozens or hundreds of people.

But the mistake people make is thinking this is a cure-all.

That they can rely on a coach to fix all their problems.

My advice if you’re looking for a coach…

– Find someone who you can connect with – Make sure that they actually have experience – Then invest in self-development (with or without a coach)

Self-development is deceptively simple and boils down to 2 steps:

👉 Learn. Take in all the knowledge that you can

👉 Take action. Do something with what you learned.

Doing one without the other results in frustration or stagnation.

But combined, it’ll make you a better leader in 2024.

So yes, invest in a coach if you need guidance.

But prioritize self-development. That’s where you’ll experience true growth.

Ive spent 15 years developing myself as a leader and Im here to help you.

My DMs are open to talk about what youre looking for this year!

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