Unlocking Potential: How Adapting Your Leadership Style Can Leverage the Unique Strengths of Your Team

by Kim Fitkin - 11/6/2023

Unlocking Potential: How Adapting Your Leadership Style Can Leverage the Unique Strengths of Your Team

Not everyone works like you.

And that discomfort you feel…

…with their styles, isn’t a signal that they need to change.

👉 It’s a signal for you to adapt your leadership.

You cant change people. No matter how hard you try. (hint: and you shouldn’t)

I’ve heard the complaints from leaders.

– “Hes way too quiet.”  – “She’s always going fast.”  – “Why can’t they seem to focus?”

You can spend hours trying to change people and make them work like you.

You cant.

And trying to is not your job.

Here’s the thing…

You’re missing something when you try to fix too quiet, too fast, or too distracted.

– The quiet one often has thoughtful input – The fast mover drives your ideas forward – The distracted one is juggling multiple ideas that’ll be your next big breakthrough

Your energy is better spent understanding them.

Learning how to leverage their unique style for your teams advantage.

Accepting this is not lowering standards.

Its raising your leadership game.

Its about guiding, not dictating; influencing, not controlling.

So if youre tempted to change someone, stop.

Reflect on how you can align their natural style with your teams goals.

Thats where great leaders find performance gains.

I help leaders understand themselves and one another.

DM me to learn more about how I can help you and your agency.

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