Unlocking Growth: How Shifting from Telling to Asking Empowers Your Team and Enhances Your Leadership

by Kim Fitkin - 7/6/2023

Unlocking Growth: How Shifting from Telling to Asking Empowers Your Team and Enhances Your Leadership

There’s a leadership skill that doesn’t come naturally.

Asking vs telling.

As a leader, you’re equipped with more experience.

When your team member faces a challenge, its tempting to provide a solution.

That’s the easy way.

But there’s a better way.

When we lean into asking rather than telling, we open a gateway for growth.

Not just for our team members, but for us as leaders.

Win-win 🙌

It’s not relinquishing control.

It’s a transfer of trust and empowerment.

Why does it matter?

✅ For the leader:
Improves patience Creates space for delegation Cultivates a culture of learning Avoids the pitfall of appearing as a know-it-all

✅ For the team member:
Promotes self-confidence Improves critical thinking skills Creates autonomy & ownership Encourages professional growth

Don’t forget that team members may still need our help.

Be ready to mentor, show them the ropes, provide support, and cultivate trust.

Modern leadership is a balance between knowing when to ask and when to step in.

Remember, we’re not here to have all the answers but to inspire our teams to find them.

As a leader, how do you find the right balance between asking and stepping in? Any tips or strategies to share?

#leadership #modernleadership

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