Unlock Honest Feedback: How Addressing Fear and Building Trust Can Transform Your Team's Communication

by Kim Fitkin - 11/6/2023

Unlock Honest Feedback: How Addressing Fear and Building Trust Can Transform Your Team's Communication

Your team is lying on their feedback.

We think we encourage honest feedback, but the reality often contradicts this.

Many companies use anonymous surveys for feedback.

But theyre not as anonymous as they claim.

This is what it looks like when its done wrong 👇

– They’re not truly anonymous - your team already knows or suspects this – Even when anonymous, it’s possible to guess who it is – Guessing leads to subtle or direct retaliation – Your team no longer trusts you – You have a culture of fear

Then self-preservation kicks in.

Your team prefers to lie and tolerate problems,

Rather than risk retaliation for being honest.

People have lost jobs over honest feedback.

…Feedback they were asked for, and told was welcome.

If youre asking for feedback, you need to:

– Be honest about what you’re doing with it – Show your team they’re safe when giving feedback – Build trust - feedback is given when you build trust first – Understand past traumas, your team’s history with feedback isn’t a clean slate

And take action.

Building trust comes from showing appreciation and acting on feedback.

Thank them and follow through. Actions matter more than words.

Hi 👋 Im Kim Fitkin

If youre looking to build better trust with your team DM me. I can help.

Or download my 18 Questions To Better 1:1s (link in comments)

This document is just one tool to help build better relationships.

And its free 😉

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