Unlock Better Team Performance: 5 Simple Communication Habits Every Leader Should Master

by Kim Fitkin - 8/6/2023

Unlock Better Team Performance: 5 Simple Communication Habits Every Leader Should Master

What’s better than breaking down communication barriers?

Preventing them in the first place.

Ask yourself this: Do you teach your team how to communicate with you?

Most communication barriers stem from lack of perspective or context. And there’s only so much work you can do to understand someone else.

But what do you have a lot of control over?

👉 Helping other people understand you

This is how I do it…

I’m aware of how I behave through self-awareness practice, assessments, and tons of reflection.

And because I know my behaviors, I’m able to share it with my new teammates and team members.

It gives them a cheat-sheet when working with me.

It looks like this:

– Stick to business – Provide solutions - not opinions – Confront when in disagreement – Appeal to the benefits I’ll receive – Be clear, specific, brief, and to the point

Now from day 1 they know not to beat around the bush with too much fluff, over-explain, and to not back off when we disagree.

It’s not an excuse for me to be a jerk, to avoid pleasantries, or ignore explanations. But when we’re not on the same page we have a shared language to help us understand and get back.

I recommend all great leaders do the same.

If you need help with some introspection or understanding your own behaviors, let me know! It’s one of my favorite topics and I love to help.

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