Transforming Fear into Power: How to Overcome the 'Leave-Alone-Zap' Management Style and Empower Your Team

by Kim Fitkin - 8/6/2023

Transforming Fear into Power: How to Overcome the 'Leave-Alone-Zap' Management Style and Empower Your Team

Did you know there’s a management style that people like LESS than micromanagement?

Nobody likes being micromanaged.

It’s stifling. It undermines creativity. It drives team morale through the floor.

But this version of absolute hands-off leadership approach can be even worse.

Picture this:

A workplace where the team has loose direction, goals, and a lot of autonomy. But they dont exercise creativity or go the extra mile.


Theyre walking on eggshells for days or weeks waiting for the next “zap”. For their boss to swoop in with no warning to deliver sudden criticism.

This is called the “leave-alone-zap” style.

The term comes from The One Minute Manager by Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson.

It’s when a manager gives their team a lot of autonomy, stepping in only when necessary. Its a style similar to laissez-faire leadership but is very different when performance doesnt meet expectations. Instead of coaching or guiding, the manager reacts with sudden disappointment.

The office is tense, filled with uncertainty, and full of stress.

A culture of fear.

Turn autonomy into empowerment by doing this instead:

– Give timely feedback – Set clear expectations – Trust your teams capabilities – Plan their development and growth – Engage proactively and collaboratively

As a leader, our aim is to elevate our teams. And your management style can do that. Or the opposite if youre not careful.

So learn from the “leave-alone-zap” manager.

Create a culture where people feel empowered to do their best work. A place where fear of the unexpected doesnt dictate the pace of work.

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