Transform Your Leadership: How Embracing Empathy and Emotional Intelligence Creates High-Performing Teams

by Kim Fitkin - 11/6/2023

Transform Your Leadership: How Embracing Empathy and Emotional Intelligence Creates High-Performing Teams

Imagine a bad boss.

You know what they look like…

– Micromanaging every decision – Manipulative and controlling – Only their opinions matter – Breaking promises – Leading with fear – Has to be right

It’s exhausting.

At the end of the day you’re drained and frustrated.

You lead a team of 10 people. And they lead 10 more.

Your frustration and disappointment trickles down.


Everyone tells you, “don’t bring work home.”

But it’s not a switch you can just flip off.

So friends and family get to feel your bad day too.

Now…imagine the opposite leader.

– Leading with empathy – Cares about the growth of others – Takes ownership of problems, big and small – Has the emotional intelligence to know how they affect you

Be this leader 👆

Its not always this simple… but sometimes it is.

As a leader your actions affect your team long after you see them. And in turn everyone around them.

Choose to make it a good one.

Austin Spikes, thanks for the convo yesterday that inspired this post 🤘

Hi, I’m Kim Fitkin 👋

I help directors gain the confidence and skills to lead high-performing teams.

Don’t let “imposter syndrome” hold you back. DM me to learn how I can help you!

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