Striking the Balance: How Leaders Can Foster a Friendly Yet Professional Team Environment

by Kim Fitkin - 10/6/2023

Striking the Balance: How Leaders Can Foster a Friendly Yet Professional Team Environment

“Be F*cking Friendly”

The motto of my favorite donut shop in Orange, CA. (Shoutout to Friendly Donuts 🍩)

As leaders, it’s our responsibility to set an environment where people feel safe coming to us.

Some leaders do this by being friends with their team. Other leaders think that they have to, but dont want to.

The good news? You dont have to, and probably shouldnt.

Heres how to do it right.

✅ Be friendly but set boundaries

Be kind and care personally about your team. Engage with your team, make them feel valued. You dont have to go to happy hour or be friends outside of work to accomplish this.

✅ It’s not personal, it’s professional

Youre here to make decisions, not friends.

When you have to make tough calls, be clear and direct. Talk about the professional impact of your choices. Its not the time to commiserate with friends.

✅ Professionalism isnt an excuse for being unapproachable

Maintaining professional boundaries is important. That doesn’t mean being unfriendly. Be warm without oversharing, be kind and interested without intruding.

✅ Promote harmony, not a social club

Are you approachable yet firm? Balancing friendliness with authority? It can be a fine line – create a harmonious workplace, not a friend list.

Being friendly isn’t hard. It’s about balance and respect. Lead with warmth, maintain boundaries, and focus on building a strong team. Simple actions, significant results.

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