Conquering Fear: How Two Simple Steps Empower Women to Build Their Online Businesses

by Kim Fitkin - 6/3/2023

Im not the type who posts on social media

When I think about posting, I want to crawl under a rock

2 things I heard last week… but the truth is I hear this ALL THE TIME

I talk to lots of women who want to build their own businesses and the thought of doing it online terrifies them

Heres the thing:

Im not the type of person who posts on social media either! (whatever that type is)

The first time I posted something on this platform I was terrified I thought I was going to throw up for the next 4 hours

Luckily, not too many people even read it 😂

But I knew I had a drive to help people And I knew that if I was going to achieve my vision, people needed to know me

So I pushed through
And it got easier every day

I dont worry about posting content anymore Sometimes it does really well.
Sometimes less so.

But my goal is still the same - help people and fuel my mission and vision

So this is a reminder not to sell yourself short

Theres a good chance you have something to say that someone else needs to hear

Theres no type of person who does this

Just a bunch of people, just like you, who pushed through their own fear ✌️💜

PS. Hit repost if more people need to hear this message.

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