Conquer Your Fear: How Embracing Replaceability Can Transform Your Leadership Role During Parental Leave

by Kim Fitkin - 10/6/2023

Conquer Your Fear: How Embracing Replaceability Can Transform Your Leadership Role During Parental Leave

Parental leave is delegation on hard mode.

It’s filled with:

Fear Doubt Anxiety Excitement

And it’s inevitable that your work will go to someone else.

This is when fear sets in…

You worry about setting your team up for success.

– Will it be chaos without you? – Will they make you look good?

And the other side of that fear…

– What if they’re too good and replace you? – What if your company no longer needs you?

It’s a double-edged sword.

The fear is real and you feel like you cant win.

But I’ll give you right the answer.

👉 Be replaceable

It’s your job as a leader to grow your team so that you can be replaced.

So that you can move up in your career too.

Control what you can control.

And if you have a company that supports your growth, your job will be there when you get back.

Or better - your next role will be there waiting for you.

PS. I hear too often from new parents that they’re worried about their careers when they go on leave. We all need to be better about this.

I help managers level up their leadership skills. DM me to chat 🙌

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