Breaking the Cycle: A Bold Guide to Transforming Your Leadership Style for the Health of Your Team and Business

by Kim Fitkin - 11/6/2023

Breaking the Cycle: A Bold Guide to Transforming Your Leadership Style for the Health of Your Team and Business

I’m not for everyone.

And I’m okay with that.

I talk about leadership and I…

– Might make you uncomfortable – Can be a bit controversial – Have a bit of sass

I’m trying to create awareness.

Because bad leadership is too common and I know we need to do better.

Your leadership has a lasting impact on the health of the business.

👉 AND the health of your team.

Mental health, stress, anxiety, and lasting physical health.

I want to reach an audience of leaders who want to do better.

Because they’re asking for it.


I have a leader I work with.

Who’s never liked or commented on my posts.

Because even after being gone from his work for 5 years…

He’s still worried about his toxic boss seeing this and acting on it.

This needs to stop.

We can break the cycle of bad leadership and be great leaders.

I’m here to do that → and in my own authentic way.

I’ll share how to be a better leader for your team, but not without shining a bright light on the darkness.

Because bad leaders don’t deserve to hide in the dark.

And you deserve better.

call to action image

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