Balancing Act: How Too Much Empathy Can Sabotage Your Feedback and What You Can Do About It

by Kim Fitkin - 8/6/2023

Balancing Act: How Too Much Empathy Can Sabotage Your Feedback and What You Can Do About It

Would you believe me if I said that empathy is sabotaging your feedback?

We always hear about the value of empathy in leadership.

Because empathy in leadership…

→ Builds trust → Fosters connections → Promotes a culture of understanding

But when it comes to giving feedback, empathy can be a double-edged sword.

Too much empathy can lead to weaker messages, unclear expectations, and ultimately, confusion.

When were overly concerned about how our feedback might be received, we can dilute the critical points that are the most important.

This doesn’t mean tossing empathy out the window.

It means we need to find a balance. Use empathy to understand and acknowledge your team members perspectives.

But when its time to deliver feedback, make sure you’re…

→ Direct and to the point → Setting clear objectives → Asking questions to determine clarity

And deliver the feedback in a way that shows you genuinely care about the person’s growth.

Modern leaders foster successful, result-oriented teams. To do that, our feedback needs to be constructive, honest, and understanding.

Keep that in mind the next time youre preparing for a feedback session. Worry less about how your team will feel about the feedback. And focus on clear, effective communication that encourages growth.

Id love to hear your thoughts and experiences. Does too much empathy ever get in your way?!

#leadership #modernleadership

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