Balancing Act: How Successful Leaders Juggle Contradicting Advice Without Losing Their Team's Respect

by Kim Fitkin - 2/28/2024

Balancing Act: How Successful Leaders Juggle Contradicting Advice Without Losing Their Team's Respect

Leaders who don’t learn how to balance advice will struggle.

And you’re bombarded with it, pulling you in opposite directions.

– Be decisive, but open to ideas – Be approachable, but maintain authority

Its like being told to run and stand still at the same time.

How do we know which advice to follow?

– Lean too far one way, and youll alienate your team  – Too far the other, and you lose their respect

The real answer is that leadership isnt one-size-fits-all.

👉 Why? Every team member is different.

– Some need structure while others thrive on autonomy – Some need inspiration and some need collaboration – Some need a friend and others need authority

So all the contradicting advice is right.

And balance is knowing when to apply it.

A leader stuck working one way, will find themselves leading no one.

Leadership is hard. Finding a balance takes awareness.

What are some other things that leaders need to balance?

Happy Friday!

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