9 Powerful Strategies Successful Leaders Use to Foster a People-First Culture

by Kim Fitkin - 12/6/2023

9 Powerful Strategies Successful Leaders Use to Foster a People-First Culture

“We’re a people-first company” isn’t a saying.

It’s a commitment.

It’s a philosophy where teams are the focus…

Not props.

And your commitment shows through your actions

Not through your corporate marketing social media.

Here’s how great leaders make people-first decisions.

– Cut expenses, not people – Promote training & development – Identify team strengths and uses them – Have a WFH policy with no justification needed – Team-led idea forums, not top-down decision making – Celebrate diversity and foster a genuinely inclusive culture – Prioritize mental and physical health through well-being programs – Routine career growth sessions, not just annual performance reviews – Profit-sharing and social causes chosen by teams, not corporate picked photo ops

People first is an ethos that challenges the conventional profit-centric business model.

Its a promise that we put our people before spreadsheets.

And belief that investment in your people will reward you in the long run.

I help people-first leaders. DM me if you want to talk about how I can help you.

I offer leadership training that’s focused on people-driven results.

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