8 Powerful Strategies Every Leader Needs to Foster Psychological Safety in the Workplace

by Kim Fitkin - 2/14/2024

8 Powerful Strategies Every Leader Needs to Foster Psychological Safety in the Workplace

I introduced psychological safety to a group of leaders recently.

Only one person from a group of 10 knew what it was.

That made me take a step back.

This is a concept regularly shared here on LinkedIn.

Yet, it was brand new to these leaders.

As I shared what it means, I got the head nods and the “ah-has”.

They’d all experienced both…

– A place where you feel safe to be who you are – And a place that’s toxic, where you’re belittled or shamed for speaking up

Everyone deserves a place where they can express themselves.

Where they feel safe.

And making that space starts with us as leaders.

I’m sharing here 8 ways that I ensure psychological safety as a leader.

The one I lean into the most is showing my vulnerability.

Which one do you practice the most with your team?

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