7 Powerful Strategies to Keep Your Ego in Check for Effective Leadership

by Kim Fitkin - 11/6/2023

7 Powerful Strategies to Keep Your Ego in Check for Effective Leadership

Your ego has no place in the office.

Leadership isn’t about you. It’s about your team.

How can you keep your ego in check 👇

– Don’t say “I couldve done that better.” – Take credit for failures, not just success – Seek advice even when its uncomfortable  – Constructive feedback is a gift, don’t dismiss it – Being the loudest isnt the same as being effective – Forget about your “image” when addressing mistakes – Someone else has an idea? Embrace it, its not a competition

Strong leaders are self-aware, receptive, and prioritize their team first.

Challenge yourself to lead with humility and selflessness.

Anything less? Youre part of the problem.

call to action image

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