6 Powerful Ways to Transform from a Grudge-holding Boss to an Empathetic Leader that Your Team Will Thank You For

by Kim Fitkin - 11/6/2023

6 Powerful Ways to Transform from a Grudge-holding Boss to an Empathetic Leader that Your Team Will Thank You For

Bad leaders hold grudges. Great leaders solve problems and improve.

You’re holding a grudge because 👇

– You want to be right – You’re making it personal – You’re protecting your ego – You’re avoiding hard problems – You feel threatened and insecure – You’re unwilling to have tough conversations

When you do this you create a culture of fear.

Your team is walking on eggshells.

When is the next time you’re going to bring up the same mistake?

A better team starts with your own behavior.

– Understand your own emotions and feelings by being self aware – Dont focus on who’s right or wrong, focus on solutions – Appreciate your team, genuinely and often – Create a safe place to give feedback – Have honest conversations – Show empathy

Best way to change? Invest in your own development.

Self reflect, read more, find a mentor.

Your team will thank you.

Hi, I’m Kim Fitkin 👋

I’ve led teams for 15+ years and now I train leaders like you.

DM me if I can help.

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