5 Proven Strategies to Foster Dissent and Ignite Innovation in Your Team

by Kim Fitkin - 6/6/2023

5 Proven Strategies to Foster Dissent and Ignite Innovation in Your Team

If your team always agrees with you, you may be in trouble.

Maybe youre the only leader in the world that knows it all…

Or you may have a problem creating a place for collaboration and disagreement.

Great leadership is not about having the best answers or being right. Its fostering an environment where people feel comfortable speaking up, no matter how contrarian it may be.

Great ideas come from…

→ Vigorous debates → Collective brainstorming → Challenging the status quo

And in order to do this, you need to encourage your team to speak up.

Do this 👇

✔️ Set ground rules - Mandate respect and active participation

✔️ Promote active listening - Encourage summarizing and reflection before sharing

✔️ Create breakout sessions - Use smaller groups for detailed discussions

✔️ Assign pre-meeting work - Help people show up prepared with ideas and opinions

✔️ Rotate meeting roles - Vary roles to introduce different leadership styles and perspectives

At your next meeting if all you hear is “yes”, its time to mix things up.

Dont be afraid of disagreement.

You may step on some toes or ruffle some feathers. But maybe thats what you need for creativity and change.

Your people will be more engaged. And youll build a more resilient and innovative team.

Would love to know if any of you have tried these tactics. And what am I missing?

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