5 Key Ways Leaders Can Empower Their Teams Without Abandonment: Ensuring Autonomy Doesn't Become Neglect

by Kim Fitkin - 10/6/2023

5 Key Ways Leaders Can Empower Their Teams Without Abandonment: Ensuring Autonomy Doesn't Become Neglect

Autonomy isn’t “set it and forget it.”

It’s definitely not an excuse for abandonment.

And when its done really wrong, leaders can make their teams feel like sh*t.

Here’s a story 👇

I was working with a senior exec who was having some team issues.

Her boss gave her a lot of autonomy

And she implemented a great plan to fix it.

But she wanted input.

– Because this was a big issue – She wanted to make sure it was a good direction – And she just wanted a leader who would listen to her

She told her boss what she did and he said…

“Do you think it’s wise telling me this? It doesn’t make you look good.”


Her boss didnt care how it was handled. He didnt even want to see the underlying problem.

She was left wondering if shed made a mistake.

– Was he going to look at her different now? – Would he take away her autonomy? – Who can she go to if not him?

Leaders, your team craves autonomy.

But they also crave your feedback, support, and sometimes just an ear to listen.

Be there for your team.

Facing leadership challenges? I’m here to help. DM me.

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