4 Toxic Workplace Behaviors You're Unknowingly Exhibiting and How to Improve Self-Awareness for a Better Work Environment

by Kim Fitkin - 12/6/2023

4 Toxic Workplace Behaviors You're Unknowingly Exhibiting and How to Improve Self-Awareness for a Better Work Environment

It’s frustrating when someone is oblivious to their actions.

It shows up in the workplace like this.

→ The Interrupter

They cut you off. Every. Single. Time.

→ The Micromanager

They hover, nitpick, take over, and control every little decision.

→ The Pretend Listener

They nod, smile, and say they’re listening. But really they’re waiting to make their point.

→ The ‘Always Right’

Mistakes? Never theirs. They twist narratives, dodge accountability, and point fingers.

These behaviors can contribute to a toxic workplace.

But most likely people are unaware of how they come across.

👉 95% of people believe they’re self aware. Only 10% are. (HBR - 2018)

So odds are, this is an area you can improve too.

Self-awareness is more than just understanding yourself.

Its understanding your impact on others.

So what can you do?

– Seek feedback – Study EQ – Reflect  – Adapt

And invest in self-development.    Do something today. What’s a behavior you can work on?

And if you don’t know, ask.

call to action image

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