Why 'Best-Selling' Doesn't Always Mean 'Best for You': A Personal Journey Through Leadership Development Books

by Kim Fitkin - 1/6/2024

Why 'Best-Selling' Doesn't Always Mean 'Best for You': A Personal Journey Through Leadership Development Books

Not all self-development is right for you.

Leaders preach about “life-changing” books (myself included).

But just because it’s best-selling doesn’t mean it’ll help you.

Here’s my personal story about this 👇

– The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

I read this book twice.

I didn’t like it the first time, blaming it on Audible.

Bought the physical book and tried reading it again.

Nope. Didn’t click.

I get that some find this book transformative.

Maybe the timing was off for me or not aligned with my journey.

But I’ve been deeply impacted by other books.

So I appreciate the sentiment behind the recommendation.

– 12 Rules For Life by Jordan Peterson

This is the only book I’ve ever thrown in the garbage.

I could see that Peterson was trying to make a point.

But it mightve been more effective without the religious overtones and underlying misogyny.

I didn’t appreciate this recommendation.

These books are often recommended by leaders worldwide.

And while they do work for some, they might not for others.

More importantly, they might not be for you. And that’s ok.

I have two pieces of advice for leaders…

👉 Be open-minded and curious.

Explore new ideas that might not be your usual choice.

Look for the good, and try to learn when it’s not.

👉 Trust your own judgment.

A best-selling book recommended by your favorite leader doesn’t have to be for you.

If it doesn’t feel right, don’t force it.

This is your unique journey.

And how you develop your personal leadership philosophy.

All leaders need a bit of guidance. Im here to help.

I help leaders gain confidence to build kickass teams. DM me!

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