Unlocking Exceptional Leadership: How Understanding Human Behavior Can Transform Your Team Management Skills

by Kim Fitkin - 8/6/2023

Unlocking Exceptional Leadership: How Understanding Human Behavior Can Transform Your Team Management Skills

Leaders: Managing your team members isnt enough.

New leaders are taught communication, time management, conflict resolution, and other management responsibilities. Theyre just scratching the surface.

But great leaders see their job as understanding a group of individual human behaviors.

You can take that lens to every day management responsibilities and get better results from your team.

Heres what that looks like.

👉 Communication Its not about speaking more clearly; its about understanding whats unsaid.  Behavioral insights help interpret the silences, the hesitations, the pauses.

👉 Task management Managing tasks is Management 101. Dive deeper. Understand why people do what they do, and you’ll start managing outcomes, not just tasks.

👉 Conflict resolution If you’re waiting to resolve conflicts after they happen, thats too slow. Knowing behavioral cues means youre one step ahead of potential conflicts, not cleaning up messes.

👉 Performance metrics Performance metrics give you the what. Human behavior gives you the why. Get to the root and you can start to influence your metrics, not just report on them.

👉 Trust building Building trust isn’t about team-building exercises. Its demonstrating that you understand and value individual differences. Trust isn’t generic; it’s deeply personal.

Here’s a reality check: understanding human behavior isn’t optional, it’s foundational.

Take your leadership deeper by understanding people more.

For me that came from 2 decades of experience and intentional study of my favorite writers, books, and frameworks.

This is just scratching the surface of this topic. There’s much more to share.

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