Unleashing Your Leadership Potential: Why Commitment Drives Success and How You Can Harness It

by Kim Fitkin - 2/6/2024

Unleashing Your Leadership Potential: Why Commitment Drives Success and How You Can Harness It

You can learn all the leadership skills and still not be a great leader.

Skill like:

– How to delegate – Motivating a team – Time management – Giving and receiving feedback – Setting expectations and goals

But there’s one thing that’s missing to become a great leader.

👉 Commitment

It shows up in your actions, when action isn’t easy.

– Follow through on promises – Own both success and failure – Speak up when no one else will – Listen without waiting to give your opinion – Prioritize the teams success over yourself – Make hard decisions, even when unpopular – Don’t settle for less when you’re comfortable – Invest time and resources in developing others

And commit to keep learning.

Leadership isn’t something you learn one time and know.

It’s like a muscle. It needs to be worked out often.

And it takes commitment to stay strong.

How are you committing to your leadership role this week?

If you’re a leader looking to turn knowledge into action I’d love to hear from you.

My new leadership course dives deep into commitment; launching in February. DM me for early access.

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