Transform Turmoil Into Triumph: How New Leaders Can Overcome Inherited Team Challenges and Thrive

by Kim Fitkin - 10/6/2023

Transform Turmoil Into Triumph: How New Leaders Can Overcome Inherited Team Challenges and Thrive

It’s not your fault, right?

You didn’t ask for this team.

You didn’t choose them and now you’re left picking up the pieces.

I’ve seen this happen a lot. New leaders take over teams when an old leader leaves or is fired.

And you’ve inherited a TSA sized load of baggage.

Not fair? Yeah that’s leadership.

– Bad systems – Lack of respect – Toxic team culture – Unresolved problems

Those are for you to figure out and to fix now.

Here’s the thing. You have choices.

– You can complain, whine, and make excuses – Or, you can get sh*t done

Yeah, it’s not fair that you’ve inherited a team with issues. Im sure it would’ve never gotten this bad under your watch. But look at this as an opportunity.

To turn a bad situation into something good. And become a better leader in the process.

Here’s how 👇

1️⃣ Set the tone straight from the get go

Know that you’ll get pushback. People hate change. Accept it. Learn from it. And move forward.

2️⃣ Set new expectations

New managers tend to shrink from this. They want to be liked and not come across as overbearing or a “know it all” right away.

This isn’t about “knowing it all”. It’s about being clear.

3️⃣ Build trust.

Trust is the foundation of any relationship. It takes time so don’t rush it.

With trust, your team respects you. And will change for you.

When you become a leader, you inherit both the good and the bad. It’s on you to make the best of that.

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