Surviving Personal Attacks at Work: How to Build Resilience and Protect Your Self-Worth

by Kim Fitkin - 12/6/2023

Surviving Personal Attacks at Work: How to Build Resilience and Protect Your Self-Worth

Resilience is harder when work gets personal.

When personal attacks replace constructive feedback.

You have a boss who says…

“You’re the reason performance is down” “You really disappoint me” “I resent you”

You may be used to overcoming professional challenges,

But personal criticism hits hard.

So what do you do?

If you can, leave.

You don’t have to tolerate disrespect.

But it’s not that easy for everyone…

– You cover your family’s health insurance – You may be the sole provider – The job market sucks

If you stay, know this…

– Their behavior is a reflection of their weakness – They lack the ability to lead with kindness and understanding – Someone who resorts to personal attacks shows their own limitations, not yours

Accepting this isnt “dealing with it.”

Its understanding that their behavior is a reflection of their character.

And that it does not define your capabilities or value.

Building resilience against personal attacks means recognizing that some leaders are incapable of positive leadership.

Protect your self-worth. Practice self-appreciation. 

There’s a lot of tools for self-appreciation like journaling or talking to a friend.

If you need a friend or more advice, reach out. My DMs are open.

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