Redefining Strength: How Embracing Emotions Can Elevate Your Leadership Game

by Kim Fitkin - 9/6/2023

Redefining Strength: How Embracing Emotions Can Elevate Your Leadership Game

To those who’ve said I’m emotional: Thank you.

You’ve challenged me to rethink leadership, and I’ve found strength in my emotions.

I couldnt count the number of times in my career where I’ve been told I’m “being emotional”. But much like the rent, its too damn high!

I used to think that showing my emotions was a weakness. Giving into outdated notions about workplace behavior from weak individuals.

Now through trial, error, and self-acceptance Ive learned to embrace them. Heres what Ive learned.

Emotions, when managed, are a leaders greatest asset.

– Emotions fuel our drive – They’re the foundation of empathy – They help us resonate with our teams – Theyre clues for instinct and insight when making decisions

Leaders who tap into their emotions create stronger connections, motivate with authenticity, and create environments where teams feel seen and understood.

“People dont care how much you know until they know how much you care.”  – Theodore Roosevelt, 26th president of the United States

I couldnt have said it better myself ☝️

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