Overcoming the 'Hill of Death': How Embracing Your Own Pace Beats Fear and Burnout

by Kim Fitkin - 10/6/2023

Overcoming the 'Hill of Death': How Embracing Your Own Pace Beats Fear and Burnout

I’m smiling on the outside.

But on the inside I’m struggling.

The hill I’m on in this picture is called “Hill of Death”

I was listening to ‘The War of Art’ (thanks, Elijah Rogeay Seay for the rec)

Steven Pressfield was talking about Resistance and Fear.

That if we fear it, it means something to us.

I feared this hill.

– I was 3 miles into a 7 mile run – It was hot as hell out – My legs hurt

And I had every excuse to turn around.

The thing about this hill?

I have to run down it first to run up. So I had to make the decision to go down.

I did and instantly regretted it.

I knew my body was too tired to run straight uphill for another mile in the hot sun.

So I walked.

There’s this pressure to go at someone else’s pace. To sprint.

It’s easy to get caught up in what others around you are doing.

Another solopreneur, a creator, a runner and racer.

But it’s not sustainable to match their speed.

You get burnt out.

I overcame the fear of running up the hill, but I did it at my own pace.

Dont worry about anyone else. Focus on you.

Happy Friday!! Hitting the trails this weekend. Whatre you up to?

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