Master the Art of Leadership: How Adapting Goleman’s 6 Styles Can Build Trust and Drive Success in Your Team

by Kim Fitkin - 2/28/2024

Master the Art of Leadership: How Adapting Goleman’s 6 Styles Can Build Trust and Drive Success in Your Team

Only 23% of US workers trust their leadership.

And 95% fully trust leaders when they can do these things…

– Communicate well – Inspire confidence – Lead and support change

This comes from Gallup’s 2024 trends for leaders to watch out for.

But do you know how to communicate and inspire?

Adapting your style is a very powerful, and underused tool.

Start with Daniel Goleman’s 6 leadership styles.

His leadership styles can transform your approach, making you more adaptable and effective.

He defines them through a lens of EQ (which I love).

Check them out 👇

  1. Visionary – Shines during change – Use it to inspire by sharing a compelling vision – Develop it by working on better communication and self-confidence

  2. Coaching – For personal development – Use it to invest in your team’s growth – Develop it by engaging in informal coaching or mentoring

  3. Affiliative – Values teams’ emotions – Use it in times of stress or conflict – Develop it by practicing EQ to resolve conflicts and connect with your team

  4. Democratic – Thrives on team collaboration – Use it when complex decisions benefit from diverse ideas – Develop it by improving your listening and facilitation skills

  5. Pacesetting – Drives performance and doesn’t coddle poor performers – Use it when rapid results are needed, but beware the burnout – Develop it by understanding individual and team motivators

  6. Commanding – Effective in crises  – Use it for quick decisions and for maintaining tight control – Temper it with emotional awareness to keep teams engaged and respected

Key takeaway?


The most effective leaders adapt their style to their team’s needs and the situation.

It’s not about sticking to one style but mastering many and knowing when to switch.

Which leadership style do you find yourself gravitating towards the most?

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