How Overcoming Self-Doubt Can Unleash Your True Potential: A Personal Journey

by Kim Fitkin - 11/6/2023

How Overcoming Self-Doubt Can Unleash Your True Potential: A Personal Journey

Doubt is paralyzing and universal.

Left unmanaged it’ll stop you from moving forward.

Here’s a sneak peak into my brain…

– Who am I to think I’m an expert on this? – What will so-and-so think of me? – How will I be judged for this? – Am I good enough?

I spent this week working on my course (launching in a few weeks)

Hours every day and 40 slides already done.

I was heads down in my content and came up to breathe last night.

And then doubt crept in.

I started to question and second guess my content, its quality, and myself.

“Will anybody want this? Can’t they just Google for this?”

I shifted to positive thinking instead (and asked my husband for advice)

– My stories and my experience make it unique – What’s old to me is brand new for someone – I’ve helped hundreds of other people – I still see bad advice everywhere

I’m lucky and have strong support at home to help me through a funk.

When you have doubts, reach out to your support system.

If you can’t find anyone, DM me. I make a pretty good cheerleader 🙌

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