How One Executive Turned Solopreneur: A 6-Week Journey of Triumph, Challenge, and Unexpected Surprises

by Kim Fitkin - 12/6/2023

How One Executive Turned Solopreneur: A 6-Week Journey of Triumph, Challenge, and Unexpected Surprises

It’s been 6 weeks since I left my full-time executive job.

And I think I’m a full-blown ‘solopreneur’ now.

It’s so different from what I was doing before.

Rewarding, hard, and some things I didn’t expect.

One of my favorite perks is scheduling around family time.

We’re on the road today to visit my parents and I know I’m going to be busy.

I front loaded all my work this week.

So over the next 7 days I spend more time with the fam.

And the work I did?

– Launched my website – Wrote my first newsletter – Posted my first ever TikTok yesterday

They’re far from perfect.

– The website is 90% done. Content is getting there and I’ve got some bugs – I think I took 10 takes on my TikTok post. (after 2 weeks procrastinating) – My newsletter zaps are broken. So the signup list is manual.

But it’s always going to be a work in progress.

So I shipped to ship 🚀

And I’ll fix things as I go.

Thanks for the nudge yesterday, Ron Oltmanns 😊

I love to coach and train leaders. DM me to learn how I can help you.

Or check out my website (link in header and in comments)

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