How Embracing Life's Unexpected Turns Can Lead to Your Best Year Yet

by Kim Fitkin - 8/29/2023

Another year and another birthday 🥳

There’s one thing I learned over the last year.

It’s to expect the unexpected and to not get too comfortable.

Just when you think you have life figured out…


Surprises are on the other side of the door.

Hello third child 😅

In the last year my career has evolved. I made friends where I didnt expect it. I’ve removed toxic people from my life.

Opportunities and people come in and out of our lives. And if I had let my guard down, my world could’ve been rocked.

I’ve learned to always expect disruption. It’s not pessimism (not from this optimistic gal). It’s a stoic discipline that I’ve applied to every aspect of my life.

Cheers to another year. I think this one is going to be the best yet!

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