How Embracing Challenges Transforms You Into a Better Leader: A Personal Journey Across the Golden Gate Bridge

by Kim Fitkin - 12/6/2023

How Embracing Challenges Transforms You Into a Better Leader: A Personal Journey Across the Golden Gate Bridge

The best leaders I know don’t shy away from the hard things.

I do my best to emulate them.

The hard thing I did recently was running a 10k across the Golden Gate Bridge.

I haven’t raced in 4 years.

And I was nervous to get back into it.

Even after signing up I tried to make excuses to get out of it.

– I’m out of shape – I’m too busy to train  – This race is for legit runners

But I chose to do the hard thing.

And it wasn’t without obstacles that day.

(Check out my newsletter today - I share the obstacles and the results of the race)

This picture of me was just over halfway through the race.

I ran 4 miles in the hills and then across the bridge.

I literally leapt in the air right before this because I was excited!

A once in a lifetime opportunity to run across this incredible bridge.

And I did it 🙌

My motivation for you today: Do the hard thing.

You won’t regret it!

call to action image

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