From Excuses to Empowerment: How My Journey With Ship 30 for 30 Is Inspiring A New Generation of Leaders

by Kim Fitkin - 7/6/2023

From Excuses to Empowerment: How My Journey With Ship 30 for 30 Is Inspiring A New Generation of Leaders

I’ve joined the Ship 30 for 30 July cohort.

And here’s why…

Chris (my hubby) took the course a year ago and since then has encouraged me to do the same.

I was full of excuses.

“I’m way too busy.” “I’m not good enough to write online.” “Who is gonna want to read what I have to say?”

I started to write more on LinkedIn when I came back from my maternity leave.

And I liked it.

I liked having something that belongs to me. My own personal voice and space. Sharing what I’m so passionate about.


That’s a broad word so let me break it down.

Bad bosses suck.

It’s hard to believe with all the content and information at our fingertips on how to be a better leader, there are still leaders who don’t get it.

Those leaders are losing top talent, costing their organizations tons of money, hurting their brands, and their reputation.

And the worst part, making life suck for the people that work for them.

I’ve led teams for over 15 years. And shared my skills and everything I learned with them. It’s the most rewarding part of my job.

And there are countless new managers out there who don’t have that support from them. Who have no one to learn from.

It drives me crazy.

But it drives me. To write, share, and teach.

Success for me is the ability to make careers better for new leaders out there. And in turn, the jobs and lives of everyone that work for them.

So here’s to a new generation of leaders. Who lead with empathy and fairness to get better results for themselves, their organizations, and their teams.

And if that sounds good to you, I’ll be here writing every day for the next 30 days.

#modernleadership #leadership #ship30for30

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