End the Drain: How Cutting Off Toxic Relationships Elevates Your Leadership Potential

by Kim Fitkin - 10/6/2023

End the Drain: How Cutting Off Toxic Relationships Elevates Your Leadership Potential

Its OK to end toxic relationships.

For the last week Ive been writing about relationships for leaders. How they impact your ability to manage. And how to improve them.

But just as important, you need to be able to end relationships when they are no longer serving you as a leader. Or as a person.

If you want to bring your best self to your team, you have to take care of yourself.

This means surrounding yourself with relationships that give you energy and support your growth.

When relationships become a drain on your energy and potential, they become toxic and its time to move on.

Heres what those relationships look like 👇

– They ask for your time but are nowhere to be found when you need them – You’re always seeking approval from someone who will never give it – Theyre around for the wins, but vanish at the first sign of a trouble – Theyre quick to point out every little mistake without offering help – They celebrate you to your face, but question you to others  – They complain just to complain (classic energy vampire) – They gaslight you, making you question reality – Theyre always testing your boundaries – You’re constantly walking on eggshells – They betray your trust with lie after lie – They diminish your ambitions

You dont need this. Do yourself a kindness, and cut them out.

Surround yourself with people and relationships that build you up, support you, challenge you for the better, and inspire you to grow.

Your journey as a leader is a reflection of the company you keep—make it count.

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