Empowering Women in Personal Growth: How to Gain 150,000 Followers in 5 Months and Transform Lives

by Kim Fitkin - 6/3/2023

Wow. 150,000 followers in 5 months. 🤯

I’m overwhelmed with gratitude— not for the number, but for the community we’ve built together.

I started writing on LinkedIn in January for two reasons:   1). I noticed how few female voices are in the personal growth / productivity space and wanted to help change that.

2). I consume a ton of podcasts and books— and wanted to share the best frameworks / methods that could benefit as many people as possible.

But I never could have predicted the deep sense of fulfillment that writing brings me, the friendships I’ve built with other creators, and the dozens of heartfelt messages I receive every day. Thank you.

If you’re considering getting started on the platform— do it.

You will never regret sharing what you know and helping other people. The best advice I got when I started was “write the things you wish you had read 5 years ago.”

P.S. I’m still taking on a few clients for 1-on-1 coaching. If you’d like to know exactly how I grew from 1k - 150k in 5 months, I’ll teach you my entire system: meet.jadebonacolta.com

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