Embracing the Unexpected: How Releasing Control Can Unleash Hidden Opportunities for Growth

by Kim Fitkin - 9/3/2023

Giving up control is not failing.

It’s not a blow to your ego or defeat.

It’s an opportunity to look beyond our assumptions and embrace new ideas.

Personal story time 👇

My 3rd grader was placed into a 2nd/3rd grade combo class this year.

My immediate reaction was “Why him?!” and “He’s going to be held back.”

Then they told all the parents this week that the students were hand-picked to be in this class.

That they were chosen because of their independence and ability to work well with others.

Still…it left us wondering how they’d thrive in this environment and what they’d be missing out on.

So what do I do?

I left back to school night accepting that this is the path for my son this year. There’s not much I can do besides pull him out of school. Which I definitely dont want.

Instead I can look at this as an opportunity for my son. For him to have an opportunity in a class that other 3rd graders aren’t getting. A place to challenge him. To work closer with peers. And opportunities to teach younger kids.

— Takeaway —

When we want to control outcomes we easily miss the opportunities around us.

We get so clouded by our ego and our determination to “be right” and assume that we know better than everyone around us.

In leadership, sh*t is going to happen that you have little control over.

You can try to control these things.

But youll end up wasting time with little impact.

You’ll miss out on opportunities for growth and perspective.

So keep your mind open and get the most out of those new opportunities.

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