Beware of Overdoing Optimism: How Toxic Positivity Undermines Workplace Productivity and Trust

by Kim Fitkin - 8/6/2023

Beware of Overdoing Optimism: How Toxic Positivity Undermines Workplace Productivity and Trust

Positivity in the workplace can create a negative environment.

I’m a positive person. I can often find the silver lining in just about anything. And I’m the first to offer it.

Positivity in the workplace can be a powerful tool for fostering a collaborative and productive environment.

But positivity can become toxic 👇

When there is an excessive focus on being cheerful and optimistic it ignores, downplays, and discounts real human feelings.

It happens when being positive is expected, no matter whats really going on. It’s an enforced norm on the team. Either explicit or implicit.

This is toxic positivity 🚨

Watch out for these behaviors:

Avoidance • They dodge tough talks, seeing challenges as unproductive

Dismissiveness  • They invalidate negative emotions, always pushing positivity

Lack of empathy • They dont recognize or address their teams real struggles

Oversimplification  • They simplify issues with generic positives like “Keep your chin up!”

One-Size-Fits-All Approach • Every issue gets the same overly positive response

Here are the dangers that toxic positivity poses:

– Burnout – Lack of trust – Failure to grow – Bad decision making – Damage to team dynamics

As leaders, its essential to strike a balance between encouraging positivity and acknowledging the reality of situations.

Genuine leadership involves creating a safe space where all emotions are validated and where challenges are seen as opportunities for growth.

How does positivity in the workplace make you feel?

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