Balancing Ambition and Parenthood: How to Progress Towards your Goals Without Losing Sight of What Matters Most

by Kim Fitkin - 11/6/2023

Balancing Ambition and Parenthood: How to Progress Towards your Goals Without Losing Sight of What Matters Most

This week sucked.

I said that as I was getting ready this morning.

– I had two projects I wanted to get done – Last night I deleted today’s post – I didn’t write on Wednesday – I got no trail runs in

I felt like I was falling behind in both my work and personal goals.

Goals I set to deliver today.

And I didn’t hit them.

But here’s what I did this week:

– Signed a contract with an amazing company (can’t wait to share) – Got feedback on two of my offers (coming soon!) – Had a phone call with a potential partner  – Caught up with friends for lunch

And the reason I missed writing on Wednesday?

I volunteered at my kids’ school for their Jog-a-Thon.

I have big goals.

Leaving my job was a hard decision to make and each day feels critical.

But I remember my long-term goals.

Number one? To be present with my children ❤️

And? Build a kick a** business helping leaders.

Doing it all is hard. And I can’t do it all every week.

But I can make progress.

And celebrate small wins while I do it.

call to action image

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