Act Now or Pay Later: How Ignoring the Unspoken Can Cost You Your Top Talent in Just Two Days

by Kim Fitkin - 10/6/2023

Act Now or Pay Later: How Ignoring the Unspoken Can Cost You Your Top Talent in Just Two Days

A lot can happen in two days.

If you have that nagging feeling…

– That something isn’t quite right – That there’s tension on your team – Or you’re avoiding that tough conversation

Dont sit on it. Dont hope itll pass (it wont).

Act on it.

In just two days, that intuitive inkling can become your worst nightmare.

That team member?

They could be writing their resignation.

And you?

Youve lost top talent. And youre scrambling to make sure it doesnt get worse.

– It’s your job to own the dialogue – It’s your job to notice – It’s your job to act

The weight of leadership is more than strategy and numbers.

It’s about humans and their feelings.

So do this 👇

– Initiate the conversations  – Dive into the discomfort  – Show you value them  – That theyre heard – And supported

Because if you don’t, someone else will. And youll be left with the aftermath.

Own it. Before it owns you.

I help leaders level up.

If you’re a new leader or need additional training DM me! I’d love to see how I can help you.

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