7 Proven Ways to Build Genuine Self-Confidence: Abandoning the 'Fake it 'till You Make it' Myth

by Kim Fitkin - 7/6/2023

7 Proven Ways to Build Genuine Self-Confidence: Abandoning the 'Fake it 'till You Make it' Myth

“Fake it ‘till you make it” is bad advice.

Here’s why…

It robs you of the opportunity for building self-confidence.

It’s a crutch that says “Someday in the future, I’ll be confident enough.”

Waiting for that day won’t make it come.

I should know. I waited for years, and it doesn’t just show up one day.

Instead, you can work on building your self-confidence today.

Here are 7 ways to do it:

• Seek constructive criticism - Its a priceless tool for improvement.

• Set realistic goals - Start easy. Each win will make you more confident.

• Cultivate gratitude - It reinforces a positive self-image and counters self-doubt.

• Surround yourself with support - Choose to be around people who uplift and inspire you.

• Embrace failure - Failure is a stepping stone to success. Learn from it, and move forward.

• Develop expertise - Acquire deep knowledge in your area. Competence breeds confidence.

• Consistent practice - Confidence-building is a lifelong journey with no destination. Keep going.

The concept of “Fake it ‘till you make it” is not lost on me.

The more you fake it the more practice you get.

But you don’t need to trick yourself.

It’s okay to believe in yourself. To improve. To grow. And to recognize the challenges every step of the way.

My personal favorite from above is the 4tn one. I intentionally surround myself with people who support me.

Who supports you? Tag ‘em in the comments!

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