6 Daily Habits for Building Unshakeable Resilience as a Leader

by Kim Fitkin - 12/6/2023

6 Daily Habits for Building Unshakeable Resilience as a Leader

Here are 6 ways I build up my resilience as a leader.

(Hint: It’s not a set-it-and-forget-it. It’s every day)

1️⃣ I accept what I can control

Team member leaving for a better job?

I ask, “Did I do everything I could while they were here?”

If I did, great.

If I didn’t, how can I learn and prevent this from happening again?

Accepting what I can’t control prevents my mind from tailspinning.

2️⃣ I anticipate when things can go wrong

I’m not pessimistic, but I’m not in denial.

I know things can go wrong any day.

And I prepare for them.

I have tough and uncomfortable conversations early.

And I have contingency plans.

3️⃣ I’ve learned to adapt

Change is constant, not an exception.

And inflexibility limits potential and causes tension.

I remain open to new ideas.

And encourage it with my team.

That way we have better ways to work when change happens.

4️⃣ I’m okay with failing

This is the hardest one for me. And the one I should work on more.

I’m competitive. I don’t LIKE to fail.

But I’ve come to be okay with it.

I can’t win at everything.

But I can learn from just about anything.

5️⃣ I celebrate my wins

Big and small.

Someone I’ve led is promoted to a leadership position? Win!

I get a thank you note from my team. Win!

Celebrating wins helps me remember the good times when things get tough.

6️⃣ I take care of myself

I’m not helping anyone when I’m overly stressed.

So I hit the trails for a run.

I grab coffee (or wine) with a friend.

I find pockets of time to sit with my thoughts and be alone.

The more I take care of myself, the more resilient I am when shit happens.

👉 This is how I personally build resilience.

I go deeper and give actionable tips for you in my newsletter this week.

Link to my newsletter in the comments below.

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