5 Unexpected Traits That Make You More Prone to Burnout: A Guide for Introverts and People Pleasers

by Kim Fitkin - 6/3/2023

Did you know - some are more prone to burnout than others?

5 characteristics of people who are more prone to burnout:

(According to Maslach Burnout Inventory)

1 → Introverts 2 → Perfectionists 3 → People Pleasers 4 → Type A Personalities 5 → Highly Sensitive Individuals

To summarize: Introverted, neurotic people-pleasers.

I feel called out.

I am a card-carrying member of the people-pleaser club. I have a hard time saying no so I took on too much.

Then I broke. A break wasnt nice, a break was necessary.

For a more detailed plan on my step-by-step approach, download my Career Break Planning Guide (at no cost).

If you need a more custom solution, book a 1:1 consult with me.

Link in the comments. 👇


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