5 Reasons Why You Should Always Document Your Manager Conversations: How to Safeguard Your Professional Growth and Compensation

by Kim Fitkin - 8/6/2023

5 Reasons Why You Should Always Document Your Manager Conversations: How to Safeguard Your Professional Growth and Compensation

Trust isn’t enough.

You can have a great relationship with your boss.

But when you don’t put your conversations or agreements in writing things can go wrong, and it only goes wrong for you.

This happens:

— They leave their job — Circumstances change — They remember it differently than you — They’re acting in bad faith and making empty promises

✍️ Put everything in writing

After any meeting where promises or plans are discussed, email a recap to your manager. This ensures theres a record of your conversation.

In this follow-up, be specific with timelines.

A vague “this year” isnt enough. Push for commitment, and don’t be deterred if your manager becomes uncomfortable.

📣 Youre not there to soothe your managers feelings.

You work for two primary things - compensation and growth. A good manager understands this and will respect your professionalism in holding these discussions.

Dont be lulled into a false sense of security if your boss is “nice”.

Let me know how I can help. DM me and lets talk about it 🙌

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