5 Reasons Why Balancing A-Players with Unsung Heroes Will Revolutionize Your Team’s Growth and Stability

by Kim Fitkin - 8/6/2023

5 Reasons Why Balancing A-Players with Unsung Heroes Will Revolutionize Your Team’s Growth and Stability

In our obsession with top talent, we lose out on the value of a balanced team.

Everyone wants A-Players on their team.

But when they’re the only people on your team, you lose out on the stabilizing traits of people who contribute in other great ways.

Unbalanced teams have these problems:

— Growth without sustainability — Innovation without consistency — High turnover due to a culture of individuality — Neglect of core values in favor of personal performance

Appreciate every player

After big team meetings or at major strategy sessions, assess the strengths of your roster. Take a holistic view. 

Be specific about roles

Push for clarity. Look beyond simple output and performance metrics that always push A-players to the top.

Assess for cultural impact, consistency, willingness to do the mundane work, helping others without credit, and long term happiness in their current role.

Don’t be surprised if new insights emerge.

Your goal isnt to build a team of stars. Youre building for growth and stability. A balanced team can deliver both.

What are some traits from non A-Players that are a value to you and your team?

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