5 Essential Traits of a Calm Leader: How to Boost Productivity and Create a Stress-Free Workplace

by Kim Fitkin - 8/6/2023

5 Essential Traits of a Calm Leader: How to Boost Productivity and Create a Stress-Free Workplace

Being a high-energy leader isn’t an excuse to be frantic.

You’ve seen this leader. They’ve identified a big problem and it’s now the biggest problem for everyone.

  • Stop the presses
  • All hands on deck
  • Everyone clear their calendar

They might think this is high energy, agile, and responsive.

It’s not. It’s frantic.

When leaders are frantic the office gets tense, people are confused, and ultimately you lose productivity.

Teams prefer calm leaders. When a leader is calm, their team is calm, and more work gets done.

Below are the traits of a calm leader:

1/ Mindfulness

See things how they are today instead of projecting past problems and fears of the future. Doing this will minimize stress and impulsive decision-making.

2/ Groundedness

They are rooted in a consistent vision, routine, and mindset. When you know your true north, its easier to maintain a consistent direction.

3/ Responding instead of reacting

Decisions are based on logic and values, not an emotional reaction. This takes practice and self-regulation. Understanding your own emotions is the first step.

4/ Having empathy

Consider how your team will feel about your actions. When you think about your team first, it’s easier to take a more thoughtful approach.

5/ Preparedness

Keep one eye on the future and plan for possible challenges. You won’t always get it right, but the planning will give you tools to adapt when things inevitably do go wrong.

Being calm is a practice. And you have opportunities to practice every day.

When you’re a calm leader your team will know to expect stability, consistency, and reliability. It makes the office a place where people want to give their best rather than a place full of anxiety and confusion.

So be the leader that people want and get more from your team.

Be calm 🧘‍♀️

Today is a great day to practice.

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