5 Essential Tips for Leaders Navigating Tough Decisions with Confidence and Grace

by Kim Fitkin - 12/6/2023

5 Essential Tips for Leaders Navigating Tough Decisions with Confidence and Grace

As a leader, you have to make a lot of tough calls.

And giving yourself trust and grace isn’t easy.

Because you’ll probably second guess yourself a thousand times.

There’ll be many other opinions, happy to voice themselves.

But you’re the one making the call.

– To do a complete restructure of the existing team – To promote one person over someone else – To fire someone (that you like)

Those are choices I’ve made in my career ☝️

That affected the lives of my team.

They’ve kept me up at night. Wondering if I was making the right call.

Maybe I could’ve done better.

But every decision won’t be perfect.

My advice to leaders…

– Take your time  – Seek advice from a peer – Sit with the information you are given – Do your best to take the emotion out of it – Know you’re making the best decision possible with the information you have

And trust yourself.

That’s all you can ask of yourself.

What tough decision have you made in your career that you still think about?

Making tough decisions is hard.

I work with leaders to gain the confidence to make them. DM me and let’s talk about how I can help you.

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