5 Crucial Mistakes to Avoid When Negotiating Your Next Pay Raise

by Kim Fitkin - 10/6/2023

5 Crucial Mistakes to Avoid When Negotiating Your Next Pay Raise

“Well if you wanted more money why didn’t you just say so?”

Heres what you shouldve said 👇

“I effed up”

I had a client who asked her manager for a raise. It was a reasonable request after she took over the responsibilities of a director who was fired.

This included taking on 4 new direct reports and an additional book of business.

She asked for a $40k raise, ¼  of the director’s salary.

Her boss approved a $10k raise while blaming the economy and the company. (strike 1)

Weeks went by and the raise hadn’t hit her paycheck.

When she asked her manager what the deal was, he blamed Accounting for the error. (strike 2)

And she wasn’t back-paid for the error 🤦‍♀️

So she did what any self respecting woman would do who feels no value or respect from her boss.

She quit.

And instead of saying, “I effed up.” her manager blamed her, gaslit her, and made her feel small.

He sealed the deal saying “Well if you wanted more money why didn’t you just say so?” (strike 3)

Going into that meeting she was 70% sure she was going to quit. When he blamed Accounting and her for his mistake, she became 100%.

Leaders, don’t lose your best people because of your ego. Because you’re unwilling to admit when you’ve made a mistake.

Own up to them and people will respect you.

call to action image

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