3 Toxic Phrases Leaders Use That Kill Team Creativity and Trust: How to Foster Psychological Safety Instead

by Kim Fitkin - 9/6/2023

3 Toxic Phrases Leaders Use That Kill Team Creativity and Trust: How to Foster Psychological Safety Instead

A guaranteed guide to destroying psychological safety on your team 👇

Your words mean a lot when youre a leader.

Every statement, decision, and conversation you have makes an impact. Often weeks or months after youve forgotten about it.

So its your job to make sure your words create a culture of creativity and active participation.

Creating a safe space for your team is a must. Its the foundation for everyone to give their best work and ideas.

Here are 3 phrases that will damage morale and destroy that trust.

– “This is the decision I’m making and it’s non-negotiable.” – “Were going to go with my idea since I’m the leader.” – “This is how we’ve always done it.”

Closed out. Devalued. Demotivated.

👆That’s how your team feels when you use phrases that punish new ideas.

Your team will stop contributing. They’ll feel like they have no voice. And you lose out on diversity of thought and innovation.

Instead say things like this.

– “Before we finalize, lets make sure everyones had a chance to weigh in.” – “I want everyones input before making a final decision.” – “This is my current thought process, Id love feedback.” – “Anything I havent thought about yet?”

And here’s the hard part–you can say these things, but unless you mean it it won’t make a difference.

Your team will detect the BS and roll their eyes unless your actions match your words.

To create psychological safety as a leader, start with the right words. Follow through and show your team that youre open to new ideas and change.

And lets be honest, some of your ideas could probably use a little help 😉

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