3 Eye-Opening Reasons Why Your Team Might Prefer an AI Boss - And What You Can Learn From It

by Kim Fitkin - 6/6/2023

3 Eye-Opening Reasons Why Your Team Might Prefer an AI Boss - And What You Can Learn From It

Three common reasons why people prefer an AI boss over a human one:

→ Elimination of favoritism → Less workplace drama → Removal of bias

I’ve been accused of these things as a leader.

I’m intentional when I work with the team.

I work hard to remove any favoritism and bias in my decisions.

And the last thing I want is workplace drama 🙄

But I’m human. And I’ll never eliminate all of it.

And my team is human. And I can’t control how they perceive or interpret my actions.

I don’t think AI will ever replace good leaders.

But we should remain mindful of what this message means coming from our teams.

Is there anything else leaders can learn from AI? Leave me a comment 👇

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